Practical magic

Where is our physical Eden ? Rippon Lea Mansion and Gardens


Set within luxurious gardens, the National Trust listed property has long been a favourite for functions, events and weddings. Rippon Lea is a space ideally suited for lavish statements and opulent touches.

There are many places throughout the gardens that guests can be entertained - lunching in the Apple Orchard, boating on the lake - each turn another chance to impress as many as 2,500 guests across the estate.

1st to get the LIGHT in Melbourne - Rippon Lea was one of the first houses in Australia to be lit by electricity and was also one of the first houses in Melbourne to have a tennis court

Stunning !

  1. (this area would need Jo style "Edening" up - eg lush - exotic-ness)

    2) What does our reception venue (just by Eden look like) ?

    (this area would need Jo style "Edening" up - eg lush - exotic-ness)

External view of mansion

Another alternative for venue is - the Royal Botanic Gardens  - eg  The Terrace