Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What does my Garden of Eden look like ?

To me, it is a lush, luscious green paradise bursting with delicious flora and forna (flowers & trees, fruit, apples, blossums), with long finger curtains of flowers. I see fabulous peacocks, bumblebees, bambis, pink flamingo's, angels - there are angels everywhere. I see our Tzadekim friends, I feel love, and I see hearts with wings flying everywhere!

So where is our Eden in Melbourne - click here

See our inhabitants of Eden - (what we will bring to life in the venue) - click here


Doves - the perfect peaceful messenger !

10 Doves will have the Ana Bekoach, in minature scroll form, secured to their tiny claws as they fly to the heights of Keter

* note .. Dove =



& a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum

Murray & Ese are getting married !

Congratulations Murray & Ese

May your love shine eternally

Return to Eden - the Wedding

Celebrating the journey of LOVE with Murray & Ese as they Return to Eden to be married.

Eden represents, soul mate love, unconditional love, circuitry, union, immortality, green (central column) balance, infinite abundance of everything.❤❤

Join us for this exciting journey with Murray & Ese as they Return to Eden to be married !

The Queen Wedding Planner aka Jo Rachel

Bli ayin hara